Difference between The Internet and The Web


For the longest time, I thought these two words said and meant the same thing and they most times were interchangeable words but I was wrong, and here is why.

The internet is the linking of computers to other computers around the world using routers, switch modems, etc. This network allows exchanging of data between two or more computers.

The Web is a way to access information through the Internet on applications built on top of the Internet. It is software that lets you access, edit and store information remotely.

Ex: Medium, Twitter, Reddit, Or any other web application.

Still confused or curious to know more, let's break it down and understand it in an in-depth manner.

The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the Internet protocol(Set of rules for communication) to communicate between networks and devices(router, switch, modem, etc).

Internet Protocol is a set of standard rules that allows different types of computers to communicate with each other.

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Two devices can be connected without the protocol suite but cannot communicate. They are interconnected using a standardized communication protocol (TCP/IP model), divided into Four-layers.


Now let's understand what are These layers and their functionality on the TCP/IP model

Application layer: This layer allows users to send data, access data, and use networks. It is the topmost layer in the TCP/IP Model. This layer provides several ways for accessing, and manipulating the data (information), and managing files in a remote computer. For example, the Application Layer provides a facility by which users can read, and forward several emails and it also provides a storage facility.

Transport layer: It is responsible for error-free, end-to-end delivery of data from the source host to the destination host. It can provide a reliable connection through which data can be transmitted between the source and the destination without any error. Since it also carries out error checking, flow control, and verification.

Network Layer: It is responsible for the logical transmission of data packets over the internet. when data is transmitted from a node on one LAN (local area network) to a node on a different LAN this layer is used.

Network access layer: This layer Provide the path through which the data can be transported. It is the medium through which the data can be carried out through copper, fiber, wireless, etc medium.

Now we know what The Internet is and its layers, so what is a web and how are they different?

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The Web is the only way of accessing information through the internet, which is built on top of the internet. It’s a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. These documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language), which supports multiple features such as links and multimedia on them.

Now to link hypertext to the Internet, we need:

The markup language, i.e., HTML. The transfer protocol, e.g., HTTP. Uniform Resource Locator (URL), the address of the resource

HTML: To display the information through a web browser where the application is built on top of the Internet.

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is responsible for the transmission of these above HTML documents on the Internet, it holds the protocol for fetching these HTML resources using the web browser.

URL: It is the address given for a unique resource on the Web. With this, we can access the HTML document on the web. It consists of a protocol, domain name, and path to access these


The Internet is a network of networks and the network allows to exchange of data between two or more computers. The Web is a way to access information through the Internet on the application built on top of it.

Further reading:



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